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Why will Technology from SAGE Insight 2023 have the same feel as Talis Insight

Laura Unwin

Back in Feb 2013 I attended my first Talis Aspire User Group at the University of Kent, we had recently adopted Talis Aspire at the University of Leicester, and this was my first opportunity to meet the team behind the product and other fellow users. I was struck straight away by the friendliness of everyone and found it hard to distinguish between Talis employees and attendees. It was a great two days where I met a team who cared about what they did and more valuably I learnt so much about how other universities were using Talis Aspire, how they had rolled it out, how they reached success and how to overcome the challenges along the way.  

I attended one further user group in June of the same year and had the same experience. I was able to take so much away from other stories, hearing how people had advertised Talis across the university, how to engage academics, how people were using reviews, how to fix those pesky broken links. It was a really positive opportunity to make links with others, many of whom I am still in contact with today. Moving onto June 2014, the next user group was held at the University of Leicester, and I was now one of the Talis crew, having started working as a Support Consultant in the January of that year. This user group had a different feel, we still had the same user groups sessions, the same sharing of experience but there were also ‘keynote’ type talks throughout. This was the beginning of Talis Insight.  

Since then, we have run Talis Insight 5 times in person, once online, and then last year we ran Insight workshops. Although moving to the conference style, the heart of the event has always been the user group. Making sure that everyone goes away with connections, ideas, widening experience, and having that opportunity to stop and reflect. The Talis Awards became a great event as part of the conference, and it was always great to see the pride in people receiving their awards and being recognised for the good work that each library puts in.  

With the transition to Technology from SAGE, we did not want to lose the great event that was Talis Insight, we see the importance in networking, sharing, discussion, supporting and learning and want that to continue. So, we are running Insight again this year but under a new name and instead of covering one product we are covering many. Our user group sessions remain key, there will be product updates, there will be keynotes, there will be awards, and most importantly there will be the community.   

We would love to welcome you back to our live Insight event this year, so if you haven’t signed up yet, please do.  

PLEASE NOTE: Our early bird discounted ticket rates close on Friday 10th March so be sure to book your ticket before that date to take full advantage  

Book your tickets here.

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