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Talis Elevate

Social Annotation – Open or Anonymous

Stephen J. Belcourt

Programs like Google Docs and Adobe Acrobat, help teams collaborate and add annotation to documents, highlighting text and commenting alongside.


What if you are teaching students how to interpret radiographs or MRI images? 

What if you’re teaching art history, and want students to indicate on an image the elements which cause it to be considered a masterpiece?

What if you’re studying primary source documents, and trying to describe an area of focus?

If students could drop a ‘pin’ on a section of the image and provide their input, the image comes to life through collaborative discussion.

Talis Elevate helps students do that. 

In Talis Elevate, students can place uniquely colored pins anywhere within a shared image and add their own personal insights, allowing for rich collaborative discussions. Students are able to comment identifiably, or anonymously, helping navigate sensitive topics, and enabling students to participate in the discussion without fear of embarrassment. 

But that’s not all Talis Elevate does. Imagine you’re studying a theatre performance, or are teaching from video. Students can comment and annotate those, too.

Marks along the timeline below the video show annotation points with the correlating comments showing in the feed on the right for that segment.

Of course, you don’t need a second solution to annotate documents.

Integrated functionality lets educators oversee a discussion, or participate in it. This frees up class time to focus on challenge areas, or to explore novel insights as students learn from each other. 

The ability to comment as one’s self, or anonymously, gives a voice to less confident students, and engages students actively in their learning. 

Analytics provide students with subtle prompts to remain active participants in their classes, while faculty-level analytics provide perspective on how students are internalizing the material.

Advanced tracking considers active interaction as engagement, eliminating idle time. 

Through integration via LTI, Talis Elevate can sit directly within your Learning Management System (Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, etc.), so students can choose an item directly from their assigned weekly resources and participate actively. 

An example of Talis Elevate within Canvas

Students are always on the go and Talis Elevate ensures that a busy schedule doesn’t mean they’re unable to dive into the discussion. Talis Elevate is built to support mobile formats, enabling participation while on the move.

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