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RL of the week

Reading List of the Week – Week One – Contemporary Issues in Event Management, Auckland University of Technology

Natalie Naik
Reading list of the week

This week’s Reading List of the Week is from Auckland University of Technology (AUT).

Contemporary Issues in Event Management by academic Jared Mackley-Crump covers just one week of a module.  This can be a great way of providing information to students if you wanted to cover a topic in depth whilst still keeping list length manageable.

What is striking about this list is the level of detail in the notes added by the academic. We often hear from students that academic notes on the reading lists are extremely useful.  Having directions such as pages to read or an overview of the item helps students to organise their work and prioritise their reading tasks. An example of this is shown in the screenshot below.

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The list is divided up into three sections, “This week’s thought provoking questions”, is the first section, made up of notes which gives the students questions and ideas to think around, and adds context and focus to the items in the list. The other sections are “This week’s academic resources” and “This week’s media resources”, which highlight the range of items that you can bookmark on Talis Aspire and encourages students to look further than just physical books. In this case, the academic has bookmarked articles and webpages for the students to read.

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We asked the library for more information: “This list is the first of 14 separate lists created to support the course (paper) Contemporary Issues in Event Management, which is offered at the final year level of an undergraduate degree. Lecturer Jared Mackley-Crump promises students on this paper they would be presented with theory, examples, case studies, stories, and activities that relate to a variety of Contemporary Issues in Event Management.

He encourages them to follow whichever of these issues they find most interesting; to read, be interested, attend all classes and be present, pay attention, and do their own research. Jared sees his efforts to provide online resources as a means to stimulate his students’ interest, support their research and facilitate their learning.

His 14 course resource lists, which include extensive annotations and review questions along with links to resources, play a significant part. There is also a Study Guide, which contains information about course structure, key resources and assessment details; a closed Facebook group for the class, where he posts interesting event coverage from the media as it happens; a YouTube channel, with playlists that relate to some of the major course topics; WIKIs for group assignments and links to the department’s extensive media archive; and all of these are accessible via dedicated pages on the university’s learning management system, Blackboard.”


Do you have a list you’d like to share? Send an email to or tweet us the link, @Talis with the hashtag #ReadingListoftheweek


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