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Talis Insight Asia-Pacific 2016: A Recap

Rebecca Carruthers

Talis Insight Asia-Pacific 2016 was a great event and the first Insight conference in Asia-Pacific territory, held at the Law Chambers at Monash University. The two day event which was full of thought provoking and insightful presentations showed a definitive break from the User Group meeting. 

See a short recap video below:


Robert Gerrity from the University of Queensland kicked it all off with a reflection on the recent innovations in publishing and academic libraries, and looking forward to the future.  I know that many of us were shocked to hear that the card catalogue only officially died in October 2015. This theme flowed nicely into Janette Burke’s presentation on eFirst and what this means for libraries, with examples and statistics from the Monash University Library,  looking not just at ‘e’ for electronic resources, but also for e-learning, engaging, excellence, enabling learning and embracing change. Dr Linda Corrin provided an exciting look at learning analytics, presenting on a lot of research that she has been part of on identifying the question before you start collecting data, and being mindful with the information you are collectingWe were also lucky enough to have Keji Adedeji from Talis visiting from the UK to present the Talis Keynote with the key theme of user experience (RIP Betsy).  It was great to get an overall picture of what makes a great user experience and what everyone should strive for (not just technology by in person assistance).

Day two started off with a reset – a prompt to think about what we are all trying to do for our reading list users, through looking at some student and academic feedbackNext we looked to “the cloud” and the strategic move some libraries are making to support learning today.  Colin Bates from Deakin University shared some insight into the digital shift that they have made over the last few years. Keji Adedeji also featured on day two, looking at some of the future directions and research Talis is doing. Day two also included a reminder from Vanessa Tuckfield and Melanie Johnson on the importance of correct copyright management, not just what’s covered by Talis Aspire Digitised Content, but all the other licences that are used in the higher education environment.

Thanks again to Monash University, Janette Burke, and the facilities staff at the Monash University Law Chambers, Melbourne, for hosting and contributing to an amazing event.

You can see presentation slides from the event, as well as videos of keynotes, photos and tweets here.

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