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Talis Aspire

How Talis Aspire contributes to the decolonising curricula initiative at the University of Kent

Natalie Naik

A team from the University of Kent presented a poster session at US based Charleston Conference 2020 earlier this month. 

They presented their decolonisation initiative at the University of Kent, led by students and librarians. 

One area of discussion was the role that reading lists play in identifying the diversity across materials chosen for the curriculum. The library at the University of Kent have used title data from reading lists, as well as other data from research methods to enable them to open discussions around diversity with academics across the institution, highlighting areas of focus, encouraging dialogue and reading list reviews.

Find out more about this, as well as their diversity toolkit in their 5 minute presentation:



Thanks to Emma Mires-Richards, Justine Rush, Sarah Field for sharing this with us.



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