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Talis Aspire

Discover useful resources from the Talis Aspire community

Natalie Naik

There are so many great resources that you have created to help your team, academic staff and students. We love that the Talis Aspire community is keen to share their learnings, so we have put these resources into a Reading List to help you discover new ideas.

Check out the resources reading list here and find out what other library teams have been doing. Our newer institutions can learn from those who have been using Talis Aspire for years, and those getting to grips with the system can offer a new way of thinking for those looking for some fresh ideas.

As well as giving you the opportunity to learn from each other, we hope that this will enable us to help you by understanding what content is most useful and relevant.

We have divided the list into sections by type of resource and hope that this list will continue to grow as we discover more resources, and as you keep creating them!

Could you share any of your guides, videos, webpages or blogs? Please email and let me know what you have been working on!


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