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Library 2020: The need for radical change – Robert Gerrity at Talis Insight Asia-Pacific 2016

Natalie Naik

This talk was originally named “Looking at the key challenges and opportunities facing university libraries in the coming years”, but during his research on the topic, Robert discovered that a recurring theme was “a need for radical change”. In his presentation he doesn’t intend to describe what libraries will be like in 4 years, but rather discuss the major disruptions we are facing, or will face that will require different “approaches, skills, resourcing and organisational structures” than what we see today.

In his talk he explains a few key trends and events in 2015 that he believes will shape the future library, and also goes on to discuss what success will look like in the library of 2020.

You can watch his full keynote below:


See Robert’s presentation slides here.

See images and tweets around Robert’s talk from the event:

What did you think of Robert’s talk? We’d love for you to share your opinions below.
What do you think the library of 2020 will look like and what do we need to do to get there?

You can see all of the content from Talis Insight Asia-Pacific 2016 here

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